Ohhh … busy works beats … no apology needed. Yes , they sure seem to Suck .. m mind is open to being changed .. your apology suggest that they may...
Nice nick BTW … perfect mix ov smartassed and vulnerable . BWB Do tell ? Boys with something ?? Don’t get to be much offended without knowing...
lol. hey... hes talk about me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kill him@!!!
yeah brah, without darkness there is no light. And i've used many plugins made by adept and silled professionals lol.. among which, heat up is...
Woad, that ain’t shytt … Come back to me when you can match the 30 discrete ai engines that I’ve been training on the music and mocap data of some...
like I said: diet scamming off of sample-arranging content craters. So I AM right: this thing imploded because it';s made by inepts who say tha...
My curiosity was piqued, first off by the gigantic file size.. 1.44e+7 kilobytes.. Was figuring it was a basic sort of rompler for me to look for...
so ive snaggzled the app from softarchive, but it seems as though that build 13.5 has vvarious malwares in/on it... i've done a pretty thorough...
its really useful and kinda deceptively simple... ive got my vockkalkdooid voice banks on my secondary hard drive because my primary is constantly...
hey, now.. you're a rocksatar
yeah, I don't think that the physical audio release was the culprit after all.. i'm still not even sure hwo to trace back to when it happened or...
nope... ive got a secondary drive that is pretyy much fully discrete, w no os, and that has the installers (at least)
nope dint work....
oh man ... this happened to me last month... had no idea what happened , though... so i'm still a bit gun shy ... and actually... I used...
So I woke up this morning to work on things, and was trying to fix an activation issue with the latest omni update 2.8.5f (moria FWIW), and found...
I was scratching my head when i couldnt execute the batch installer from the (extracted) .iso But, for some reason, it worked when i started it...
rockets... wath out for rockets
Thanks .. I’ve gotten it to work … repeatedly even … aye just get feature-envy and that is a gateway to all manner ov risk-taking behaviors
Do the original core, and the newest full install option without multiple updates in between, if you can. This is the sort of things included in...
I've read many posts about issues with updating omnisphere etc... but haven't found much clarity (especially in recent posts) about the particular...
Separate names with a comma.