Thank you very much for your art work Regards Timothy
@Pasi Could you create wallpapers when time permits for : Westwood Instruments Roots Drifting Winds Soundiron Elektronik 25 Gianluca Piras Zither...
Hi @Pasi could you create a wallpaper in your own style for : SonicCouture AC-DR Acoustic Drum Machine I can't find it Thank you very much....
Marvelous creations @Pasi Thank you very much Regards Timothy
Hi @Pasi Could you create in your own style the following wallpaper? Evolution Series Bowed Colors Cello Vol.2 Thanks in advance Regards Timothy
Hi @Pasi Thank you for the beautiful wallpaper and the informations about banjo. Regards Timothy
@Pasi Could you create the following wallpapers for : Pianobook Global Swarm Realitone Realibanjo 3 Spitfire Audio Labs Jon Meyer The Feathered...
Requests for creators cause I haven't results Pianobook Global Swarm Realitone Realibanjo 3 Spitfire Audio Labs Jon Meyer The Feathered Flute...
thank you @Pasi It's really perfect.
@Pasi Hi ! Could you create a wallpaper for : 8Dio Century Strings 2 Bundle I haven't results. Thank you in advance FORGET IT ! Finally found
Thank you @Pasi It's perfect
Hi @Pasi Hope that the week-end is good for you. I have requests for 3 wallpapers; this is the list : Stephen O'Connell Amalgam Analogue...
Are you searching the libraries or the wallpapers for each library? Concerning the libraries, it's not the good place; concerning the wallpapers...
Marvelous ! You're a master ! Many thanks !
Hi @Pasi! Could you create two wallpapers for this : Fracture Sounds Blueprint Short Strings Hereafter Soundtracks Haunted Thank you ! Have a...
Hi ! Maybe you should specify the company. Have a good week end
Thank you @Pasi I was thinking it was new. Have a good day
Requests for fantastic designers : 8Dio Studio Quartet Series Deep Solo Cello 8Dio Studio Quartet Series Deep Solo Viola 8Dio Studio Quartet...
Thanks. It's perfect !
@Pasi Hi ! Can I have a wallpaper for 8dio century brass solo and another one for 8Dio century brass ensemble? Thank you
Separate names with a comma.