the output of a dac chip will be a series of pulses and when they bleed together and amplified they become analog. the pulses coming out will...
,166ms is a sample rate of 6000. that's a far cry from 192,000 times per second. what im trying to find out is what kind of capacitors DACs use in...
a DAC has capacitors at the output to smooth out the digital signal. the question is are the capacitors in that DAC's output discharging as...
looks like Dennis got ELON'd
that article smells like b.s. any casual glance at youtube i can't go a day without seeing someone using reaper. only dash glitch seems to use...
I think that generally people with amazing analogue hardware usually have amazing multi million dollar rooms and monitors that cost as much as a...
I'm not impatient whatsoever, it's just that I know that I can find bugs because I have more time than people with jobs have. That's why I don't...
did i indicate that i am not patient? also it seems to me that you don't know the backstory. Tytell is releasing the beta to pro and subscriber...
Max Roach [MEDIA]
it's a little dumb to only give the beta to paying customers, but maybe it's because the paid customers are the most bitchy when they encounter a bug.
Let's change the name to Gearslutz since they don't use it anymore. also i am gonna need some proof that there are biological females using this...
in Linux I can tell Wine to pretend to be any version of Windows I need in order to fool programs. If I can do that in Linux, there has to be a...
Reaper's modulation possibilities are inexhaustible.
I haven't heard much from Terry West in quit a while. Currently they are 'donate to download' so I think the question of how to install them...
as an American, I haven't agreed with much of anything my government has done since I've been alive, which is close to 50 years, but at least I...
I don't mean to be rude but I don't understand why Terry West plugins would be any different to install than any other ones. A better thread title...
warez isn't a very viable tool to use since the developer is usually maintaining their own software updates and crack groups have no obligation to...
the biggest problem i have with old plugins is when they crash, they crash hard. and somebody should just reverse engineer SQ8L, update it with...
Separate names with a comma.