Does SSL write their own plugins or does Softube do it?
my ears aren't good enough to hear a difference between the cheapest interface and the best, unless there's some high pitched USB bus noise or...
the main difference is Cardinal is not designed for standalone use. for some systems it will not be able to find the sound card. other systems it...
why a laptop? if i was going to buy a computer now i might try one of the new micro PC's with a Ryzen 7 or 9 in it. otherwise, shop for the CPU...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] velvet underground may have invented music, but they're not my thing
i used to get panic attacks. one piece of advice cured me. it goes like this: "once you realize you're having a panic attack, that's as bad as...
REAPER just got the CLAP
what's going to be great is someday there will be a vst wrapper that will allow any old vst plugin to run in a modern system perfectly, including...
Bitwig is weirdly a kind of clone of Ableton, and both of them are unintuitive to use coming from normal daws like cubase or reaper. you really...
with regard to whatever progress you're making on your own work, i suggest to put it on a wordpress blog or something so folks can follow along...
do you own the code?
I'm sorry, but what do you want?
don't like dexed. noisy outboard gear responding to slow midi control signals does something i like. regret selling my old fm synth boxes.
what should the current owner of the company inform his customers about? I would say it's his prerogative to decide what communications he should...
someone else said, forget this stuff and just get back to work. learn from it as a costly lesson, but why spend any more energy on it? the problem...
the funny thing about monitors is if you listen to a commercial recording it will probably sound good in an untreated room because it was mixed by...
best to ask at the vital forum
i never use illegal samples or other software since the newer sample libraries will cause your mix to expire gradually over time, since the...
super small guis on 20 year old plugins. i know that monitors used to only be 600 pixels wide back then but seriously what were they thinking?
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