I´ve made completely different experieces. Since i use a 1 TB Samsung evo for my Kontakt-Libraries, the plug behaviour changed completely. Not...
Teletoby is right, last RTAS-Version is 5.3.137 Karl
youtube.com/watch?v=u1GLhtJ36tw Karl Edit: Oh sorry, not the same style, but Base-relations are great.
have a listen here: [MEDIA] Karl
Yeah, great, problem solved. Thanks! Karl
Yep, same here, isnt only Your problem. But the plug is great. As You said, when You stop and adjust, it´s stable. Karl
A sample-delay does the job.
Native means native, all calculations are done by the cpu, BUT a good driven interface can take quite a lot of work (AD-DA-conversion, routing...
Addicted to sound of music.
I would propose to uninstall it,use cc-cleaner instead.CMM has an autorun-daemon which makes it always run without notification. Karl
Did You install ´CleanMyMac´? it continuously kills Zynaptic Keys. Karl
It´s worth the money. Karl
The version of Your current Hackintosh-OS of cause.
Go to Lirary > Preferences > Sytemconfiguration and trash NetworkInterfaces.plist. Restart. Karl
I think the problem is Your ethernet card, probably a wrong kext.Your computer-id is generated out of there. Does it appear in System report? And...
PT 10-3-9 all working exept butch and h-verb here. Karl
Don´use 4.1, it won´t work. instead use V. 4.02. http://audioz.eu/music-software/win/47390-download_download_soundtoys-native-effects-402.html Karl
Snare??? What the hell is a snare? Karl
7.5 Cymbal “Chokes” (manual page 49) Superior Drummer® can automatically treat your module Key Aftertouch messages to choke a cymbal. To enable...
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