let them rest. they've made lots of cool stuff for us. even witches need a rest! they'll return, just chill man do we really need to face these...
Good job, dood! Don't let someone else humiliate you... you can do it by yourself without any hint of external help! :bleh::rofl:
And as of 2024 both Sylenth1 and uhe protections are now publicly defeated :wink:
@kargozarmj already posted the NFO from R2R. In order to make it shorter: auth issues or in Audified's case, memory leaks
After R2R called them out they left. Maybe they want to keep away from the scene to improve their skills or maybe they quit for users' good after...
is very good, if you purchase you will have all the expansions sold for phalanx plus it is a nice sampler
R2R wins. Always.
wondering if his statement will have a negative impact in the sister site :wow:
Nah dude, the Sylenth1's "thank you for trying this demo" voice wins. The voices in my head of those members asking for R2R's return when they...
I truly hate when that happens. it seems we will have to wait for new releases from the witches with the message: "R2R is against business warez"...
yet another crappy thread about asking for R2R status, yet another time for me to make this crappy joke:
This guy is a wonderful seller. Quite trustworthy. He delivers what he's selling with nice prices. A seller I'd definitely recommend!
Heh, I bet if possible, every single module of this thing would be strongly protected by PACE/iLok just like Softube Modular or Slate Digital...
finally R2R accepted money from audio companies to stop them from cracking plugins :hillbilly: Now, seriously, if more people keep mentioning...
So many questions for people who has the same amount of information than you I think they are not retired, just taking a break or they cannot...
Thanks a heap, mate! I couldn't make it work with the internet's suggestion, but yours helped me a ton :mates: :thanks:
I'm done trying running savihost.exe as I always get that message :suicide:
aUdiO cOmpAniEs hAvE pAiD R2R tO sToP tHem fROm cRaCkiNg tHeiR pRodUCtS aNd R2R fInALlY aCcEpTEd LoOoL Now seriously, genuine respect to the...
Team RETSU!, but they're not quite active. They seem like R2R's disciples, though. They have the same quality that R2R have delivered
Oh! It seems I ain't the only one who was wondering where they are. Well, they might be short on a budget to get more plugins and hire new coders...
Separate names with a comma.