An die AudioBrüder und Schwestern . klar könnte mich an das UAD Forum wenden, aber zuerst mal die " Familie fragen dachte ich. Es ist so : habe...
Cakewalk is from ROLAND . the first 64bit DAW for WIN. BandLAB is an new Statup . he buy the Cakewalk. and now ist for free. Sonar ( Bandlab )...
TubeOhm VA Pure-Pten Synthesizer [IMG]
in 12.3.1 AVID Protoolz is Working perfect. Win 7 offline update Nov 2016
Valorouswon ? i dont understand ----Thank you! Just incase it does not work what is not workung lnk broken rar courupt or Ijndie library ?
Whats going on with Indie . ? can u see the libraryTAB < Indie< ?
I hope it will be working now these Quantum IndieLargo.nicnt PARADOXON . and BIG THX & BIG kisses to => FANTASTiC <== for this wundervoll Times....
INDIE LIB REG Valorouswon
Valorouswon Did u grab tha INDIE from Native Accses ? ore orher ? What u need for your Indie LIB ? tha same like largo ....nicnt xml ?
PRETY NICE . Valorouswon
oh meeen i wish i was merry poppins zhis is very simple . i found tha solution promt . thats to easy for KONTAKTER just rename nicnt Its...
system Searching for SonokineticLargo.nicnt original nicnt name was Largo.nicnt .. but tha reg ky need <RegKey>SonokineticLargo</RegKey> aslo...
First i Install from Iso -- open kontakt . ----Lib not tab was there but no green largo picture. Browse By folder. nothing found I open the...
and ADD tha Library i hope tis help and Working now Brothers and Sisters good luck OUR GianaSister
ORIGINAL NAME Largo.nicnt RENAME in SonokineticLargo.nicnt
I Just rename tha NICNT open tha nicnt with editor you see .... NAME IS : SonokineticLargo.nicnt just rename not more
i have both and test over jears . bether joice is RME HDSP 9632 PCI second hand on ebay kleinanzeigen for 75 - 120 EURO RME is much more bether...
rename tha nicnt to SonokineticLargo.nicnt
Wenn das Cäsium wandert [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.