there can be issues with stability, in difere DAW, different versions, etc etc.... so it's not all relative :/
thats a software update for 262c, not a soundsource update, so there won't be a data or steam folder in there, to manually install with. the last...
as i stated above, don't re-run the installer. follow the folder structure, and place the files correctly - do it manually!
get abl live 10.1.2 if you must use vst, otherwise, just use au!
currently i am at 2.6.2c, and there is no problem there. if you updated to 2.6.3, you need the zmap/index files from that update!
you don't usually need latest versions, usually latest k'd version works with most latest k'd expansions, that were released. you kinda can't run...
so, if getting errors - go back to update installer, and manually copy and replace the following files from the update installer, and replace into...
deep codesign is a terminal command, just like codesign, but adjusts permissions even deeper, i guess? like a diver, versus a deep diver! lol, i...
*slaps face*.... just realized i'm in a thread, regarding soundsource issues, and of course... it's all related to the zmap, version and...
also, versions of ableton after 10.1.2 need codesign or even deep codesign, to work in newer versions as VST. logic has started similar issue with...
AU or audio unit, is component, same thing. the actual installation is really not that difficult, it's just a pain for most people from the...
if you're plugin works after patch, and without codesign, then you should be fine for plugin and not need codesign it. pretty sure your main...
#1 you need to make sure you patched the au and vst plugins, with the 2048 keygen. drag new plugin to desktop, select patch in the keygen and...
sorry, just saw catalina, mac. yea, catalina is a pain. make sure directories have full read/write permissions, and that codesign the plugins.... didn't mention if you are on mac or win? with latest updates, again - make sure permissions on the sage/steam folders is correct. if mac,...
you should be able to find latest or most recent enough updates for all four spectrasonics instruments, on the sister site or on ru track er org....
^^^ this is correct. /com.xferrecords.serum file holds the serial only this file needs to be deleted, if you are having serial issues, esp with...
use 32 Lives app, to convert all x32 plugs to x64 for, in AU folder for LPX/ABL/FL20, etc. install all x32 bit plugins, make sure as AU/component...
UnRAID server for storage. a few small RAID setups with SSD for fast access/current work, esp for video - since video is 5x the amount of...
Separate names with a comma.