But not the full version I guess?
How do you guys even find these old threads :dunno:
Now that's an interesting version number :rofl: any deeper meaning or just a joke?
I think they might just use the same server/provider :dunno:
haha not bad :rofl: I like this one:bleh: [MEDIA]
Well of course the usual stuff that gets mentioned all the time like "work a lot with sounds" and "experience" etc. but it all comes down to: What...
Nein leider momentan nicht wirklich. Bin auch momentan nichtmal auf soudncloud aktiv. Arbeite zwar an diversen Songs aber komme (wegen wenig Zeit)...
Awesome. Keep your good work up :thumbsup: About the "New Post" Question. I actually don't mind clicking on the "New Posts" button and it's...
I have to admit... I... kinda like it :unsure:
No I could handel waves plugins like every other plugin out there. 1 click and it opens. There is a way to convert the shell into single .dll...
Hmm strange I've always used the single plugin load. Never had problems with wave plugins inside FL. well at least now it's working for whomever...
set it to make backups every 5 min and before risky operations use ctrl+n regularly your own fault if you don't know your program :facepalm:
Made a quick replication: click me (first half is a part of the song, 2nd half the replication, soundcloud visualisations seem to be broken for...
I can confirm this. :wink:
Okay let's give this a try 1. Google 2. Soundcloud 3. AS/AZ (I know, not the same, but I don't want to favour one) 4. twitch tv 5. youtube There...
Oh wow this looks promising. I just hope it doesn't eat too much CPU with all those visualisations and stuff (or that at least disableing them...
Well yeah kinda, I actually saw this thread when you opened it, but didn't reply for several reasons :bleh: I actually can't watch the video in...
Thank god I'm not the only one who noticed that. I always die a little inside when I see that. ( I mean it's not a disastrous mistake, but...
I actually don't know who that is or if he is even using Nexus in his songs, but maybe he thought about buying it and decided that it would be...
Separate names with a comma.