What kind of answer are you looking for? I can get behind the idea of it would be better if we had something better. You make a good point there.
Kontakt (1) started out as more of a sampler than a platform. It was a reasonable attempt to nail what folks at the time needed/wished for in a...
There are open standards. SFZ for example.
I'd love to see a thread about this. Very interesting!
Sure, or indeed Photoshop or any number of other examples. It's fair to say that if you ask a different question you'd likely get a different...
Opus is by eastwest. It's distributed by many companies, one of them is best service. Best service sell a lot of kontakt libraries as well,...
Personally I think it's extremely valuable to have most of my libraries in the kontakt format. Being able to dig into a library using familiar...
Right product at the right time, uptake and subsequently thats where the money ended up being.
Has VEP7 been released on the scene?
D50 was my second synth, brand new when released. I have always regretted selling it. Such a beautiful keybed. Makes me sad to see all the beaten...
Sequential Six Trak
Wishing Olymoon a safe journey to wherever it may be and strength to those he leaves behind him. Love.
Theres lots of new analog gear. I think the evolution is ongoing.
Aha, thanks. So can this be applied to Ableton Live or does it rely upon features found only in Logic?
Maybe it's because everyone has access to the tools now and a huge number of those people feel entitled to talent.
Intrigued about the DOT script for CSS. What is that/how do you use it?
Here's the thread where this idea originated, apparently. This guy is absolutely adamant that turning the input gain down is the way to go.. Read...
Yeah the internet is a real cesspool eh.
Once your ears are fried for the day it's meters time. Really helps when you begin to loose perspective. Bit like going to reference material really.
Gain staging. Get the guitar input nominal at the interface (good healthy level) and then attenuate after (in software) just before the guitar...
Separate names with a comma.