BetterZip works pretty well for me. I'd say its worth checking into. Good luck.
Hi, I've been using Uploaded now for about 6 months with no real problems. I certainly haven't encountered any "Down for maintenence" issues....
I haven't even listened to it yet and I love it already.
6:43 of my life that I'll never get back.
Not really my style but I will check it out and I wish you the best of luck.
extabit, got it. thanks DJ_Digital.
Hi everybody, I'm hoping that some of you "in the know' people can help to guide me towards a couple of the file sharing sites that get used the...
I'd be happy to send it to you if you can explain to me how to go about doing that.
Its an AU plug.
Hey all, I'm sitting on a Devil-Loc Deluxe plug that I'm aching to give a whirl but I'm having a helluva time getting the damned thing installed....
Keep up the hard work man. Your opinion is the only one that really matters. Be proud of what you've done here. Continue to create.
What kind of real Punk Rock band "hopes everyone will like them" while going around begging people to listen to them!?! I cannot believe what is...
Can use just burn them off using any burn software and then watch them on your television set, computer or any other device that will accept your...
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