This is very cool. Thank you very much.
Drumlab may be an interesting choice for your album / tracks. Good luck with whatever you decide upon.
After about 30 years of smoking, I'm right at the edge of getting ready to quit. Again. I'm frightened and nervous and have all of the other...
Thanks jayxflash. I didn't realize that these iZotope books were available. Cool.
Sunday 11.29.15 - 7:00 pm Central Standard Time. Looks as though the Free Offer has expired. No dice as I just tried. Thanks anyhow for the...
Wow! I took a stroll down the page to see so many cool looking and interesting instruments. Thank you so very much. I'll be going back there soon.
Great info. Thank you very much.
I'm looking for a new set of studio monitors for a 2nd studio setup. I've been using M-Audio BX8a's for the last 6 or so years and have been happy...
Does it matter that I'm 46 years old, but still very immature? Just askin'.
Have you tried looking into some sort of wall treatments? I can't recommend any products because honestly I haven't heard of such a thing. But I...
Really cool. Thank you very much.
This is absolutely amazing. Thank you very, very much.
I've kind of been on the fence about installing Samplitude. I'm mostly interested in it's MIDI drum capabilities. Not to say that I wouldn't also...
I've been using M-Audio BX8a's for several years and have been thinking of switching to the Yamaha HS8's. Does anybody out there have any...
I grabbed this from Audio Z. I was very excited to try it out, but keep getting the dreaded, "No Library Found" screen. I'm running Kontakt 5.5.1....
I'm a freakin' midi drums nut. I've tried damn near every midi drum kit that has come out in the last 5 or 6 years. I always end up coming back to...
Sure, we need all the sample libraries that we can get. Their are a lot of people out there who haven't got the talent to play an instrument and...
Ha! Cool contest. Hey Intrinsic, you're lucky that I didn't see this before you did. I still listen to my vinyl copy of this release. Purchased...
Thanks a lot. I can really use this sort of information. My piano playing is atrocious. Ha!
Hey lerkjurk! Thanks for the heads up. This looks very, very cool. We see a lot of signature guitar amp modeling, but seldom any great bass...
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