I still haven't voted yet. If somebody wants my vote the list of requests is ready. And yes it includes sexual favours.
LooooL! And the task is inserting a plugin?
Gotta drop a few more... [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] 13 minutes of your life you're unlikely to regret except for asking yourself WTF am I doing...
This guy tackles interesting topics in his channel but very often he takes positions that are questionable to say the least. The kid and his...
Lol, it's endless for me... [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Better stop... :rofl:
Like FabFilter One or like T-Racks One? Clarify yourself! :guru: Pianoteq Kontakt (mainly orchestral libraries and some sample modeling stuff for...
It is an instrument that requires a physique du rĂ´le that's why I refused when they offered me to learn it, but I think it's weird you don't find...
Thank you! Finally time to make the jump to GE edition.
Besides Tokyo Dawn Labs I would suggest checking Toneboosters because their new vsts now have a more decent GUI and the usual top notch sound...
Literally not. :no:
I am into LP models but not being a true guitarist to the bone I have a hard time in invensting in instruments that are likely to sit behind my...
I would also add cantabile to the list.
Absolutely true. I don't understand why this should be a laughing matter. Your question is a valid one. We all hear different frequencies so the...
Be ready to be blackmailed to death, now! xD
Uhm, I don't know well enough the ones you mentioned but Electri6ity which is the one I eventually use can do those.
TDR it's non plus ultra in terms of CPU efficiency. :like:
Why did I open this thread again? :dunno:
What? Your weekend is pretty long. Tell us when you're done. :rofl:
I can't feel hurt at all. I use Reaper, enough said. Should that prevent me from admiring the weaselly way developpers offers "free daws" today or...
DAW means Digital Audio Workstastion. If you cannot perform any of the basic work you normally do on a DAW, who gives a f**** even if you give it...
Separate names with a comma.