Bugger - your right, thats what happens when you get distracted The large is 700 x 100 px
haha well I am grateful that you did as I did not know Kontakt 5 was a different size, so thank you. Please excuse me for doing this but can I...
Photoshop was a start of the Covid Lockdown purchase and I've been slowing getting to grips with it and so far I am loving it :)
I use Kontakt 5 & 6 plus 6 Portable. From the posts I have checked (and there are too many to search them all) if I wanted to to have a stab at...
One quick question, is there any benifit to using Photoshop to edit the images but then Illistrator to put the Wallpaper together. I have both so...
I will knock up a test one this afternoon using Height 98px x width 588px and see how it looks. If I was to make some to share here I want them...
Thanks everyone, much appreciated
Hey. I am going to have a go at making some Kontakt wallpapers for some Kontakt Librarys I've built for my own use and if they turn out okay I'd...
Hi and thanks That only seems to work if the sustained notes are on beat 1-4 of a bar but it wont work (for me at least) when the sustained note...
Windows 10 Guitar Pro 7.5 So I am learning this software and I have an issue that is not addressed in any of the few tutorials I can find. I...
Windows 10 Cubase 11 Pro (legit) Hi Gang I have Kontakt 6 V6.1.1 (from sister site) installed and working as it should and I am trying to...
haha I can see how you might make that connection but nope... My username is just a random :winker:
The 90's WERE the BEST era for dance music because of all of the different styles that were not only filling the nightclub dance floors but...
And this... Getting into the birth of electronic euro disco, everyone knows Giorgio Moroder but Marc Cerrone (just known as Cerrone) was also a...
This.... I hammered this back in the day and it was a floor filler Loleatta Holloway – Love Sensation (Tom Moulton Remix) [MEDIA]
Every website or forum has it's plus & minus points but only a slim few have the gravitas that industry professionals bring.
2nd vote for the DT-990 Pro. These are my everyday go to and I have no issues with then.
They do not owe anyone a thing and we can not know what, if anything, is going on. They have lives and familys just like us, and I would have...
Thank you both for your replys which are great, and I really appreciate. I'm working on the project again later today and I will give all your...
Cubase Pro 11 Windows I have a kick sample that I am using in a project so it appears many times. I want to edit the sample in Soundforge and...
Separate names with a comma.