It has worked - But not all the sounds are there so to speak - Did you have that issue too ?
You wonderful person ! It works - I'm crying - Some of the drums do appear to be missing but a good selection are available so I'm happy ---...
Ok - Yeah I have that file - Its for pc I think ! Let me see if the keygen app will open it - Thanks for the instruction :winker:
Paid for ! No - I wish I had some money to pay for it - I'm flat out Broke right now - Haven't got two proverbial pennies to rub together - If it...
- 9 gig worth of data - I copied the: App & Sound Data folders over into the correct Addictive Drums 2 folder during the installation procedure !...
Hello I have installed this Plugin: Addictive Drums 2 - Mac running Logic X - Issue is - Plugin is receiving Midi - But - No sound is coming out...
My music making Mac - NEVER EVER gets connected to the world wide web - It's a complete recluse - Never have an issue that way - Of course I...
Thank you - Some great stuff there ---
Thought you might enjoy seeing a few bits of art - To help inspire your sound design - '][IMG] '][IMG] '][IMG]
In 1997 I brought Logic Worx Platinum - And a copy of a green thing called Kloblo 2000 ? EErrrm yeah - Thats it --- It's a proper crack den round...
I see - Wonderfully explained :bow:
No - I think its fixed now ! I generated a new license file for the total bundle - I used that instead of the previously generated one that came...
Can someone kindly explain what the PATCH function is for in the keygen ? Running Mac - Logic - Have installed software - Replaced:...
I no what you mean - How do they get it so wrong - Sub Boom Bass - No thanks - I can't stand looking at that thing - I have been forcing myself to...
Hold left button down and spin the ball ---
That looks like a really cozy set up you got there - If your running Logic X I could move right in - Start rolling the DnB ---
Yeah it does take a little practie - But once you settel in theres no turning back - I have mouse pointer speed set to max [Mac] an I could still...
You have to agree or they delete your reply's - Some people are literarily crying over David and if you do not wanna cry with them they delete...
It's hard to say really - Most of them were dead good ---
I have been using a computer to make music for almost two decades - Through out all that time the single most productive tool I have ever owned...
Separate names with a comma.