Is that what you heard through the grapevine?.. Its going all the way round
taking a quick read through the thread: Some people had some vitriol to spit - at least its got passion! Some people just want to reflect their...
Does anyone care about anything important no? Are we all just sucking kanyes dick? waiting for something else to be outraged about? crying about...
Useless humans, pissing away their world while crying about spilled (rotten) milk Why dont we waste tons of resources and create lots of plastic...
And to the OP who wants to save such weak humans who will kill themselves when they dont get positive attention online - try thinking about...
Besides 'LI,' Caroline had an extensive on-camera resume ... having appeared as a guest, panelist, judge and presenter on shows like 'Big...
i saw it, heard it and thought "god, this plugin sucks ass"
its ridiculous, like people don't remember the last time it was cracked?? Anyway the last release on has a long nfo, part of it states that PDC...
Ass sucking plugin alert!!
Haha wtf, you dont speak spanish do you? ooh yea the old uppercase E, thats day one stuff:rofl:
Acustic - Which language is that exactly? (Romanian It seems)
This is not about liking cubase or not. It would be pretty cool if a team has defeated it, id raise a glass to the team
Is that for importing wav samples? Serum can create tables from them as well
Good to know El Ray dodges the bullet
You can tell im not a fanboy because a company hasnt brainwashed me into misspelling the word acoustic
Ah Betty, you backbitin' bitch.. hows the infected hemorrhoid doing, still a hassle for you? I totally agree, Ive only been playing with El Ray...
jesus theres no PDC :sad::rofl: the release looks nice on the front page though huh, nice one
Well, Oly if you are on Ableton theres a max device that converts images to tables and another that algorithmically generates them, i dont know...
does anyone know what anime the .nfo ascii art is from? that would be the ideal t-shirt print
haha, people living near him should spray paint R2R on his house plaque, on his license plates, BIG R2R in his driveway etc
Separate names with a comma.