Maybe something like this ?
So another question how does this manuel make .nxs librarys?
Question can we make our own librarys If so what audio convertors are available to make convertion to .nxs format? Cheers:wink:
Update!!! How to Block IP using windows Firewall Microsoft...
Correct :wink: [IMG] [IMG]
well you seem to know maybe read it next time before making comment bud its not a hosts file insert it blocking the ip as you have been going on...
Step guide to blocking ip Numbers in windows firewall use the same process for incoming and outbound...
I Tear it apart take a look man im sure you have the skills :wink:
Ayahuasca said: ↑ Hey guys, I’ve spent the past few hours observing the Nexus upload from the sister site and have found some unusual things that...
Same here :wink:
@Hennessey I did a report of a test nothing more yet you choose and go down the path of accusing me of more. Have a good day mate this...
@Hennessey Buddy you got some serious abusive paranoia tendencys with anger issues inside you there best to go see a professional and get some...
@Hennessey Stop the babble now educate yourself below Image of the Inno extracted Setup file [IMG] I am not interested in comments of this...
To OP Change your pathway to realistic option in life go find a real job and live a enjoyable life Eventually you will see this Dream is all...
Very good idea go make music have fun :wink:
I must admit you do humor me i am laughing so hard at your attempt to have this concluded as its fully working , you are a very funny individual
i think you are not so smart ole mate go drive your bus and be a mechanic:wink: leave the cracking to the Adults MFact cannot be breached in this...
I was testing mate showing what worked and what did not nothing more how does that equate to being happy? that is in your mind ole mate i am a...
So has another Teams Version have they been given Appreciation? its fine to give appreciation but it is also the right of people to be cautious...
Separate names with a comma.