Spent $60 bucks on these at Best Buy for my xbox1. Hooked them up to my interface to just listen to beats and songs I've made. Ended up spending...
I actually purchased Studio One. Never used it and still doing everything out of FL Studio 11.
Maybe your friends are liars? No?
lol. I use dfx because in my current living situation I can't use my jbl lsr308s, and my laptop speakers aren't loud enough when I'm listening to...
Disregard my first comment, I had DFX sound enhancer on, and my eq settings were on speech mode. So pretty much everything above 4k was boosted....
As far as the actual music, it's not bad at all.
Everything sounds really sterile and bright for that type of sound, and some of the distortion is kind of unpleasant. The songs seem reminiscent...
I own an Apollo twin. UAD plugs sound exactly the same as their vst counterparts. Like some one mentioned earlier, there's no magic coding in the...
People posting pictures and allegations about what he allegedly did to his gf, yet he was never convicted of any of that. lol The irony
How is your room treated? EQs, compressors, saturators, etc etc can't fix standing waves, reverberation, acoustic aberrations, reflections etc....
Doug breaks down the process of stem mastering and highlights the benefits of using grouped mixes to achieve a higher quality master. [MEDIA]
I'm almost certain that stem mastering is the industry standard. lol Why in this day and age would you process a single stereo mix for...
I think the mastering engineer's job is to paint a visual picture of where the stems should fit in the mix when you listen to a song. Vocals here,...
I also don't think it's good for business to tell clients and customers "hey go remix this song, because the lead vocals aren't warm enough, or...
I've never seen an ME pull out a manley massive passive or SSL console and not do some sort of eqing and compression on vocals, bass or...
I think, despite the consensus belief, that mastering is actually fixing a lot of errors that happened or were ignored in the mixing stage. I've...
Still haven't heard anything better than Soundiron's Emotional Piano. Keyscape's C7 grand comes really close. This sounds horrible though.
In fact only way thunderbolt beats out usb 3.0 is if you have a ssd drive that removes the speed bottleneck. Otherwise usb 3.0 is the fastest way...
Firewire is nowhere near as fast as usb 3.0 which most window audio interfaces are compatible with
You could use anything from a M-Audio M Track 2x2 to a scarlet 18i20 to a UAD twin usb solo etc.. Honestly I'd just go with the M Track 2x2 for...
Separate names with a comma.