Maybe this will end up being expensive for me, but I will say my word. Jazz music is entirely based on false assumptions from beginning to end.:wink:
What kind of tonality practice is this? Your twisted tonality reminds me of Polytonality or Polychord, Upper Structure, etc. Hapless tonality!...
C Maj13#11 is a combination in G Major Bebop, D dominant Bebop and G Dominant Bebop. I don't know maybe it can be explained with these scales. Or...
The tonality is related to romantic and late romantic music. Modern music that emerged in the early 20th century does not work with tonality....
MMJ don't play devil's advocate. If you have anything constructive to be added to your own thread, do it. I'm waiting to hear and raise my...
This is the most important level of music theory. If this level is not understood correctly, the subsequent ideas will be accompanied by costly...
[ATTACH] C and F# always make #4 no matter in which octave they are placed. 4# is the most dissonant interval among all the available intervals....
I just said suppose Adam made a good video about the wrongful beliefs in the unfair dismissal of #4 or b5. Why does he not make any music online...
Cmaj13#11 stack (I don't even call it a chord) can not be tonic unless you disregard a lot of history behind the music of ... . Finish!:wink:
No it doesn't. Anyway if you think your answers are the ultimate power and keys to open the sealed fate of all theoretical discussions, I don't...
How can this chord (Cmaj13#11) be tonic? It has lots of dissonant intervals between its notes waiting to be resolved.
#4 means that the tonic chord is always in a strong tension with itself. How can a chord that is very tense be considered as home (a place for...
It was an interesting video.:thumbsup: I always wonder why theorists on YT don't teach how to write a piece from start to finish. They analyze... :winker:
In church music, b5 (#4) is strongly prohibited. Even in tonal music the expectation is to resolve b5 as soon as possible esp. in cadences. In...
Most of the new songs are not sheet-based. Before instrumental music was accepted by the church, the songs were all vocal-based and sheet was...
Music theory includes classical, jazz, pop, electronic, etc., and each of these have their own recommendations and rules. In each of these, some...
If it is possible to change the rotation axis of the earth by only 23 degrees, all days will be the same and the problem of humans regarding cold...
AI guys are master in wasting people's time.
Most people don't know how music works and Interestingly enough, don't want to know because ...... . If they know, they won't use these platforms.
Separate names with a comma.