Just a quick thought on moderators ... I was part of a scene a while back and as moderators I thought the object was to remain impartial after all...
totally made a pigs ear of that multiply quotes thing sorry
hopefully this being a forum and everyone being entitled to there say and opinion that wont happen I agree with you but ungratefulness or...
yea sorry I am answering the post as they appear sorry as for the other comments that's really not what i said I never asked "why mac people get...
Look to sum up really I am not complaining about anything I was just asking a legitimate quest ... this really isn't about being spoilt,...
so a question is a complaint ? don't see it sorry ? whats a forum for after all ?
If you never question anything in life you will never learn anything ?
I dont think i have been disrespectful at all please back up your accusation ? and once again i am NOT complaining about the lack of releases
I know the mods and admins are not responsible for content i never suggested that, and i know they work hard ! and this really isn't about not...
sorry badass but it just seems to be said all the time even when asking a simple question ... I mean the whole point of a forum is discussion but...
thanks will try and work that out sorry
Thank you saint, I understand that .... but really I don't expect anything i am glad for what ever comes along ... but that really annoys me...
can anyone tell me who founded AudioZ and what was the point of its conception ?
thats your prerogative
never stated i was ungreatful ?
First off people like me ? you don't know me so don't be so judgmental ? whats funny? never stated I was poor, never stated I was ungrateful , it...
I hope this post gets recieved how i want it to be ... I was just wondering is AudioZ on the back foot for PC users when it comes to releases of...
Is it worth doing requests on AudioZ for PC stuff anymore the place seems to have turned into AudomacZ since the departure of R2R ?
the end
could not agree more does kinda defeat the object of AZ
Separate names with a comma.