That said I think AS has grown into something different and warez discussions are a bit misplaced now ... especially when they cause so much shit
Your right about the title of the thread I started ..but thats how this place has got me feeling that you have to tread lightly with what you say...
I totally agree its work for saint ...but man I have been catching up in AS over xmas and there is nothing but flame wars everywhere about warez...
why the fuck should mac users or window user get this ...fuck sake man this is warez we aint fucking entitled to shit ...just have a bit of...
I dont think we need to get to the banning right now just an agreence that we should keep this separate then take it from there
this is what i wrote in my thread I know AS and AZ are very connected in as much as Saint daddies them both ... but man the bickering in here is...
thats really odd just made a similar thread 5 mins ago lo ...
Mines a bit of a sad story ...Had a very shitty home life as a kid ended up on the streets and music was all that kept me going I listened to...
Its own forum for discussing warez
I know AS and AZ are very connected in as much as Saint daddies them both ... but man the bickering in here is getting worse by the day ... don't...
Fuck me here we go again ...:rofl: think its best there is little interaction in AZ and i think we should ban all mention of warez here full stop...
Some nice updates ...but thats what they are updates this doesn't warrant the title upgrade it should be free will wait for v9
would this work for NI maschine .... as all plugins in maschine are a very long list ?
yes it does
I thought we were past this shit ... if he wants to have his say let him ...less of the insults if you dont like what you read move on ...II...
Using focusrite saffire at the mo but just about to get a new interface...was going for either the new claret or the RME babyface or if i can...
I didn't say they were skimmed I said trying and this is to the best of my knowledge ...that was the point and why saint basically demoted him...
I don't think it was the internal sharing that pissed most off it was the fact Cat seem to want to turn this Az and AS into a private affair which...
As an owner of a s61 can't wait ...going to be so useful
I personally us X me XBMC on a fire stick kodi side loaded can even run movies from my NAS
Separate names with a comma.