Es kommt natürlich auch immer darauf an, welche Aufgaben man erledigen möchte. Ich persönlich mache Video- und Audiobearbeitung. Gerne auch...
You don't want to know how many people create a second account so they can be considered "newbies". :hahaha: But your action is very cool. As for...
Are there any people here who mix in Atmos (or any other object-based format)? Unfortunately, there are not very many reverbs that are "3D"...
For this, the technology god invented MPEG-H, which (theoretically) allows the viewer to determine the ratio of dialog and, for example, sound...
It's actually quite simple: If I couldn't hear the music, I wouldn't have the keygen. I don't mind the thing bouncing around the screen and...
Since version 4.3.0 of the legendary "Team AiR" I have been waiting for a new crack for Nuendo. So when the time came and R2R honored us with his...
Competition is actually good. But I'm always skeptical about things like this, because especially small companies / lone wolves often don't have...
Thanks for the interesting suggestions. I am normally using Nuendo. Working with Sequoia right now is just due to current circumstances. Getting...
Thank you very much for your answers. The important thing is that not all files are levelled to a uniform value (e.g. EBU R128). Instead, many...
Happy Easter! I need to combine many individual audio snippets into one big whole. Unfortunately, the audio files are levelled differently in...
You ghoul. ;) Eight years later, there's hardly anyone left who backs up physical media. Except me, of course. :yes: And even in 2022, I would...
Thank you for your answers. (Unfortunately I didn't see them earlier or I would have replied sooner). I currently only work with audio (Sequoia)...
As a resident of the (so-called) first world, I know to report that the .ru website works in Switzerland and Germany. However, before that comes a...
Good evening, I occasionally edit PAL dubbing (25p / 50p / 50i), which I then have to adjust to match the image of the original (usually 23.976 p...
There is an "i" missing in the link! :yes: ("Louchebert" was a little faster than me.)...
I use uMatrix(*) and uBlock Origin in combination with fairly restrictive settings and have never had a problem logging into the sister site....
Mach Dir nichts draus. Ich habe hier auch noch einen einzelnen Rechner stehen, der schon etwas älter ist (von 2008). Auf diesem bearbeite ich ab...
Entschuldigung, aber da waren mir jetzt mindestens zwei Huster zu viel drin, um noch angemessen folgen zu können. Welchen Vergleich bezüglich...
Ich nehme an, Du sprichst von "SpectraLayers". Das Programm nutze ich bei bestimmten Problemfällen zusätzlich zu RX. Aber der "gute Klang"!...
Da braucht es dezidierte Argumente dagegen? Und ich war so naiv, zu glauben, dass da der gesunde Menschenverstand das einzige Argument sei, was...
Separate names with a comma.