For that price it should "take you to the next level!"
Com- on Man! splurge on them VSTS!! Spend some big moola! they'll be YOURS! (and then you can share them so they get cracked too!)
I wonder what aliens think.
poor lonely rocker.
my vote goes to Reaper. they even give you hundreds of video tutorials to teach you everything, but five of six and you're go to go. I changed...
nice satisfaction. keep on truckin!
xln xo does that and it's nice.
...and it looks great with G-force M-Tron Pro too!! a really sexy combo!
@orbitbooster [MEDIA] Phoenix LiteOS 10 Ultralight Ultimate (17763.3650) By FBConan Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470T CPU @ 2.90GHz 12 gig ram. It's an...
I'll see what I can do...nice idea
I'm on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3470T CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz 12 gig ram It's an Hp legacy from 2012. works great.
Still working like a charm> Phoenix LiteOS 10 Ultralight Ultimate (17763.3650) By FBConan 1378 mb iso
cultivate eat fuck sleep play percussion and wooden flutes. build garbage sculptures... there is lots to do!
yea if for some reason we lose computers we'll be back the the stone age. we will learn a lot if the electricity goes off good.
Crazy here crazy there crazy everywhere!
monotostereoitis sometimes fatal
pay to play
Unchirp is great for bird museum interviews. [MEDIA] at about the 20 minute mark the bird sounds come in.
First of all get a drum set. Second, get a watermelon. Thirdly, play drums and eat watermelon (only) until you reach the state of health you prefer.
If I could get a subscription to a buttocks like that I 'd pay zillions!
Separate names with a comma.