well thats unfortunate but ableton is equally shit in that regard
nothing wrong with the old stuff, DAWs that need a vst bridge for 32bit plugins are annoying as fk
Yea its pretty bad:dunno: I have my moments. [IMG]
Thats exactly the kind of answer i was looking for. I get what you mean by key command macros, that could be the extra layer of complexity to...
Look, there are serious differences in DAWs right? menu diving is cubases forte
Reaper is so impressive. unfortunately the piano roll sucks major ass and thats a dealbreaker
Your analogy is baseless and weak, i shouldnt even respond as its spamming up my thread but i would like to say if you are such a cubase&live...
I (Khabib) am not a juicer, that is no.1 bullshit
squeeze out every drop of JUCE from it. bleed it dry. maximum $$$ return for stakeholders :snuffy:
Ableton since like v4, protools and FL before too. but abletons PDC sucks so much ass, makes me want to move to Cubase Ableton is simpler and...
So i found the "skip missing" button in 6.2.2 has been removed on batch resave/collectall. Its gone on v6.2.1 also :woot: WTF!.. i checked many...
as-salam alaykum brother, Im surprised its easy tbh. ill have to check out blender, thanks
some would argue AN-AL is all you need
6.2.2 is broken, the "skip missing" command has been removed
Nice man, i like the trippy mechanized swirling contraptions, how do you do it?
and everyone who isnt saying its better payed several hundred dollars to oeksound for a copy, and went through all the hassle of activating it I...
many artists, many techniques.. -real nails -ping pong ball plastic -fake nails (professionally or DIY) -fibreglass matting & resin painted on...
can you tweak the trimpots on the behringer one? the resonance and envelope
Marketing.... those of that profession are going straight to hell:disco:
i like walks on the beach, reading and a good ole debrid behind the paddock b4 twlight
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