i got it workin "for the ones used the cracked version" blocked presonus ip in host and enable internet enable "allow network discovery" in...
in short , do what works for the record.
i have worked with both and imo studio one opened up alot of creative doors for me , even tho other DAW do practically the same i feel alot more...
almost every daw ...
find the installation folder of where you install the soft tube plug-ins then add that folder to your vst scan location in Studio one
i was the same way with pro tools , whole catalog was on Pro tools , till i gave studio one a try .... never looked back again . (Beside...
think of it like Integrated = long term LUFS "Average Loudness Volume Level Reading Of Track" ShortTerm = long term LUFS "Average Loudness Volume...
can i sample it ?? lol no seriously
think of it like 1176 to make it punchy (More transient) and LA-2A to level it out (More Sustain) for rap vocals i'd vocal ride it before the...
exactly its about the sum of your leads + sends if you put a stereo field meter on your vocal bus im talking about a bus where all vox related...
i know the sound you're going for as this the genre i do. its need more side excitement on the vocal side as it just sits in the middle. (Taste Of...
you probably got it turned off under the "Console option" wrench icon . its a new option "Show I/O Connections"
could it be license issue on a vst or plugin ?
try to first balance your mix and reference with different speaker or head phones and side chain in EFX to satisfy those reference devices. at...
the worst that can happen is embargo of your remix release long as its a non-profit post
not sure if this method would work for ableton but it should for all daws find the vst dll for x32 & x64 then delete them , reinstall , rescan !!...
for vinyl i usually use "XLN RC 20 Retro Color " on loops or individuals as i can exaggerate with control . but slate digital "VTM" Is on the mixbus.
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