Work as a dream! I have 1 6 core hackintosh as master, 1 6 core + 1 4 core with windows as slaves. I really powerful. I have others in standby. I...
+1 for RME (I have a fireface UFX) They have THE STABILITY and good compressors and eq for each channel or aux + 2 revebs/delays. Old units still...
Since you receive a like from The poster... UAD have their own plugins, some are The best, some come free, but there always promotions. It do not...
Its simple... What you need more? Expandability (more ins and outs) or a little UAD processing power?
Sometimes lots of things can make us lost. The most important plugin always will be compressor. Delays and reverbs can sound good even with free...
In the hospital I always play cavaquinho... when the hospital toys permit. Be grateful if you dont have a degenerative disease and live as the...
Dont get him wrong... Gay is a plus for him!:woot:
I have a haswell 6 core @4300 as main with logic x with ssd, download and 2x raid5 As slave 1 more 6 core slave @4400 and more 3x 4 core, all with...
You cannot focus in the speed of the connection, sata 1,2,3, pcie3 or whatever. The focus must be the drive. The best microsd have lower speeds,...
of course... if you can pay for pricey engineers. There is so many distortions to test and you cannot find something more easy? Amuse yourself...
another thing is what kind of raid. From your board: not a really a real raid, poor performance and security (tested but never used) real Hardware...
raid 0 its too risky, only worth if you will use large libs. FIRST: where is your backups? I have 2 raid 5 on my main computer, one with 4 and...
VEP Pro is the most simple and powerful, workflow is all. Version 6 is even better. Since its very light (more than any daw) and old computer can...
Quantum CPU will be much better!:bleh:
Intel release new chipsets every year, soon manufactores stops To produce these motherboards for it, the cpu became cheaper but you can only by...
I do not have the latest links, can you send me? Logic occasionally goes crazy and do not finds files in external units. Especially preset files...
Apple and Microsft are the greatest Pirates. Apple stole the mouse idea from xerox. Microsoft bought DOS for merely 50000 usd, and recode a little...
Waiting for samba punk, country punk, chá chá chá punk and yodeling punk...
Lga 2011 v3 is a format that will have more cpus with more cpus. Almost any 6 core is better than a 4... Other great option is to use servers with...
Steve have a great marketing... But sometimes his product arent the best. i love their kicks and snare... And stops there. Anything can sounds...
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