Tell me you're TRIGGERED without telling me you're TRIGGERED
Quit Simping! The developers are not going to date you
Hello! Let me grab my Violin so I can play a sad tune. Wine and Cheese to hear you Whining..... You are online with potential of Billions of...
Alpha-Male do not Cuck to Webcam Hoez and do not Simp to Twitch Thots The World has become cucked, men are feminine soyboys. scared to be manly...
A combination of this Formula to live my life 1) Reaper Daw "iz teh bestest dawz evar" 2) Audiosex mis-information 3) Audiosex Bad advice 4)...
I am so rational that sit in forums online and shill Reaper Daw. Please, put down your Soy-Latte.
Yes, Everytime you talk Reaper.
I'm not sure if those that have replied to me are Retarded/Low IQ or just Ignorant, Triggered Midwits. Trying to Insert your Opinions as Fact is...
I see, 2+2=5 in your Reality Well then, Stay Ignorant
Reading Comprehension is Key to understanding a Conversation. It also helps before a Reply. You will note that I stated some in this Forum Not...
Well you are one of the 99% And, you are spreading false information And, I do Not understand why people Ignorant to DSP comment on the subject.
The people in this Forum are Bad for Advice. some have Recommended Plugins with Bad Aliasing or poor Anti-Aliasing Filters Learn to understand...
Actually almost everyone Frauned upon and Laughed at Fruity Tracks, Fruity Loops not just Cubase users. And, Up until Ableton v8 (plus...
In Extreme use Case would be [MEDIA]
There is ALWAYS that one Guy online in his Basement Complaining about Windows 95 Graphics. Complaining about how much they want to "Love" using...
There is ALWAYS that 1 Guy in Forums with the "I really want to Love...... but it doesn't do" These people are as Bad as the "Give Meeee Moar...
I don't care about MSEG it was typo when got Grouped with the useless stuff in my Post Earlier. What do You think Clip Envelopes are? Clip...
Just use Fruity Loops if you want Fl piano roll Logic if you want Logic stuff Ableton if you want Ableton stuff You are one of these Lazy...
I am not at all complaining about the devices just should be more modulator focused I do like Bitwigs sampler direction better than Ableton...
Since Bitwig 2+ It's so painful to use Ableton
Separate names with a comma.