P.S. I saw that this price is only for today, nevertheless, you have half of the day to try it before buy! :)
let's say that reverb isn't their thing... it is not terrible by any means, but compare it with Valhalla for instance, it's miles away :) (i do...
I have it, and I don't like it... I really wish that I can use it, but in the end, every other reverb will give me better results faster than this...
(plugin alliance: ampeg svt-vr ampeg svt-3pro bx_opto bx_console SSL 4000E) acustica audio gold3 soundtoys little plate korg m1 overloud...
Here music makes You! :woot:
I tried last night overdrive supreme, it was good. :yes: Today I'm gonna make them both scream and see what can be done with them. :metal:
"Before the amp, there was preamp!" -God (lousy attempt of a pun) :rofl:
I'm a bass player, and the beat is my second name... :rofl:
You may be right, but the start point would be to move the starting position of the vocal to "catch the beat". Further, the idea with Melodyne is...
I have feeling that vox is offbeat... and because of that, there is some strange dissonance that ruins the feel of vocal flowing through song. You...
JakeyJakeWacko ...who? :bleh:
Just wow, I truly admire everything this man has to offer! :mates:
I really don't think that You should replace that PUP if your preferences are heavy rock and metal. My 2 cents would be, try to sett up PUP height...
Works great on itself, but I'm using it like another sonic perspective to compare my mix against other mixes in different scenarios. To further...
that "NOT THE PIRATE" shit just cracked me up! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
:excl: my Youtube
both thumbs up! ... and toes too! :break: p.s. not my cup of tea (genre-wise), but I enjoyed it big time!
Actually this is possible... because, when you load reference track into TB, it approximate tonal balance of the whole song, and you were probably...
So it's that time of year again? Please, someone, tag me when this is over... (sadly this is not trolling, If you don't understand what I'm...
sweet memories... :rofl:
Separate names with a comma.