hummm.... as the plugin is pretty new i still don't know how to use it properly (perfectly), for the moment i only use it for "emergency cases"...
you can try Kush UBK-1 compressor too. and there are also a lot of great plugins under the Plugin Alliance banner, like the Elysia ones,
you're welcome ^^
yeah you can only edit a few settings: max number of votes, whether the users can see the results without voting or not and if they can change...
i wanted to edit the poll list to replace a few ones but you just CANT, once the poll has been launched these polls are really not convenient but...
delay? stop searching, read my post above mastering tools? Kush Audio Clariphonics and Izotope Ozone9, have you tried them?
shity labels? i put most of the major labels of the market here, i really don't understand left out the real major labels? which ones?? may be...
great. thanks
ok can you please send me your ableton project(s) on my email please for i think i will be able to find some time for your remix:...
no other opinions?? no feedback?? i just wanted to add one more thing: these plugins will not replace the usual eqs and compressors that are...
Usually not my style of music but i liked your voice. i liked the song too. Great job. Congratulations I wish i had more time to make a remix...
oh ok. yes you're right. when they do they call it "key labelled kicks". one trick i can give you in that case is to use a key detector plugin...
sorry i didnt understand your question mate
the fun is only for me reading such comments. sorry im not a clown more seriously i just find it fun sharing ideas, experience and feelings with...
Come on Splice fans fight back !!! Still no Class A Samples nor Audentity Records... and we got our first Function Loops fan (underestimated,...
I can only take 1 between Boom, Hiss and Detunized. So i took Boom Library ok?
If you like Drumdrops you would like The Loop Loft too. Same kind
same, i hate what they call Contruction Kits
ooops the poll is only about sample packs, not about kontakt libraries
Separate names with a comma.