[ATTACH] It's a three edged blade.
Nothing really ground breaking in any of those songs. Hardest shape you might have to make is a barre F or B. They don't call them cowboy chords...
This is quite interesting. I don't know what is going on what it going to happen but I am very excited to find out.
Might be a better use of your money to build a dedicated quiet booth, if you have the space and the technical inclination. IDK how rockwool your...
It's just DRM, AU handshake for latency compensation and buffering of graphics and UI sizes. Some developers do it better than others. It's not...
I actually did. both 33Kbps and 56Kbps back when AOL was still cool. In FR/DE/BE as a much younger man that spent much too long on the internet...
Sounds good to me ALAC from Apple Music. The bass is kind of right for this genre, Vox is a bit too modern and upfront but I feel like you feel...
I like Kid3 (https://kid3.kde.org/) Mp3Tag (https://www.mp3tag.de) Permissions are not related to editing meta-data you can always run the...
A bloody man is brought into an mobile emergency room after a natural disaster. The triage doctor takes one look at him and tells the nurse that...
This somewhat misleading and shouldn't be part of the thread. I don't want to derail the thread, but it was a different model for a different use...
VPN on: 460Mbps / 11.2Mbps VPN off: 480Mbps / 12.4Mbps
There is still HRFT, binaural effect, frequency/channel crosstalk in air and flat is a relative term. However if you know you headphones and how...
Sounds tight.
To me it really depends on what they hired you for, if it was a Producer they might be pissed you changed or took stuff out of their work, if it...
Complete Guitar Care and Maintenance by J. Blackwood. I don't know how many times they've reprinted it but it's all you need to get started and...
Good news, one day deafness, hearing loss and blindness can maybe become a thing of the past.
There should be a section called "Give Me Two Weeks." This is a lot more fun then discussing Foster's Choice and what people put in their...
Two is more than enough, and it helps sing along songs. It's about tension and resolution. It's also cultural and somewhat based on the meter of...
For some reason, I have my best ideas in the shower or while on the can. I loose a lot of it but sometimes they stick.
I don't know if that's country, it's catchy. You should do a part 2 and make it more countryfried.
Separate names with a comma.