Three options Malwarebytes FREE Windows Firewall Control or Get an old PC and install Smoothwall Express - doesn't need a high spec computer or...
Studio One v5.4
I've had a very bad experience with MSI and Intel. Now, I only buy ASUS. I've never had a real problem and their support is first class.
Win10 is a truly dreadful OS. The interface makes you want to puke. It was designed for Touch screens and how many people have those? It's packed...
A lot of die-hard Mac users have given up on Apple with all the new updates. A lot of developers likewise. I'm not interested in Windows 11. I...
I find that the best backup for workstations is Macrium Reflect. It's a shame you can't use it to backup Mac. Acronis will backup a Mac, but I...
It''s on rutracker. The strange thing is, we have never had a cracked version for MacOS for yonks - I think since 4.6. Now, all of a sudden, we...
I'm 80, I;m tired, I've decided to give up. I'm selling ALL my gear. My Strat is customized to the hilt, it is in MINT condition, not even a tiny...
Mine (attached) is big. Change zip to rar. Zip is like snot on your fingernail - you can't get rid of it and it spies. I have my own DNS servers,...
This is the best advice, believe me. Always FOLLOW THE MONEY. Without new virii, AV would go broke. How to you stop going broke? Create more...
Widows Defender takes off ALL cracked / hacked / keygens software etc. If you have all legit software, Defender is probably OK. (It's the first...
I used to go to gym 3x weekly to push (heavy) weights. I never had problems, but now, having been under virtual house arrest for a year, My right...
I use Allway Sync. Super easy to use. Install it navigate to the source folder, Navigate to the folder you want to sync with, setup one-way or...
Just copy them all into the Documents\Studio One\Sound Sets. They all have an extension of .soundset Highlight all the licence files they were...
I watched a couple of YouTube videos, showing off RealStrat and RealLPC. I must say, I was impressed. I downloaded the Trial version of...
I just kept trying every folder relating to Studio One, until I found the correct one. Works perfectly.
Since installing the new Studio One 5.2, My Drum r Pitch Lists, whatever you want to call them, no longer seem to be working. Perhaps I copied...
I have a sneaking feeling that they will drop Notion in time. I don't think it sells that well, but if they put more stuff into Studio One, they...
I have downloaded Studio One 5.2. I found it trying to "write home", despite the fact that I had blocked it when I installed 5.1, so I just...
Make sure that you censor anyone who dares tell the truth or disagree with the narrative. Facts aren't important!
Separate names with a comma.