Not for me, If I do so, I'll click on premium download on uploaded (if it even loads the page) but the download wont Start. Tried this Several...
Unfortunately true. I've had the same problems for so many months and i cant understand whats happening. I've used uploaded for way more than a...
The slate Raven is also hardware but Afaik you can only use it with ilok. At least thats what they stated 3 years ago
What didnt he do? Please check the link i Posted on Page 1 in my second comment. Get to Page 3 and say that once again Edit: taken from that...
No problem, this is the thread i was talking about: I'm 100% with...
He never chose a smart way of communication. I personally cant stand that Dude. 2 years ago he accused a member in here of fraud because he had an...
Hahaha absolutely no problem, i'm fine with it. (Gönn es dir von ganzem Herzen :P), i just thought it was too funny, i couldn't resist to make a...
Congratulations @No Avenger :rofl:
Thats great News bro :) I'm glad i was able to help you solve that issue. Have fun with your new Analyzer :wink:
You're welcome. I'm also on Windows. But flux pure needs bonjour to run properly
I had this problem too, twice in the past and both times i was able to fix it by doing the following: First it was a part of some Apple product...
Well, first of all it was just a thought what i think it could mean, if this was really about UAD. I personally dont believe that its gonna be...
Finally I was able to solve it. You won't believe it, but R2R will make the BIOSTHUTool available for everyone :rofl: No just kiddin, guess ya'll...
You have every right to be curious. Be sure soon as I got it, first i'll let you know. Thanks for all the Support and your advice. I'd also have...
@deeppvddles666 First of all let me apologize for my very very Late reply. I've been in the middle of moving from one condo to another for more...
This Sounds promising. I have a bill for that device, the only question is: would they accept that if it's not my name on this bill. He bought it...
Hey dude, it's all good, take your time, we all also have a private life and shit to do. Thank you so much for coming around to help another...
Hey @deeppvddles666 First of all, there's really no need to apologize, I really appreciate you and your precious time. No, I didn't proceed any...
Thank you very much for your reply. I really appreciate it. No, I honestly tried nothing like that, I have to admit that I really dont know much...
Tried it once again with several different Methods but all patched. Really no one in Here?
Separate names with a comma.