You mean Suzanne, don't you? :) On topic: 500$ w-t-f ... as far as I can tell (without knowing the raw audio files as others mentioned before) to...
Alright, your answer makes sense to me. That's why I don't rely on marketing in general - or at least I try to. Unfortunately consumers play...
Why VA? I never thought about the Hydrasynth as being virtual analog ... The following quote is from another forum, but that's kind of how I feel...
Out of curiosity, not debating here, what would you recommend to buy in that range?
Well, here is the good old "my-and-my-friends-ears-are-so-much-more-educated-than-yours"-route! Maybe those ears are already a little above the...
Virus, Moogs, Nord, guitars ... so many incredients thrown together in a pot, but where is the connection? The guitar is also what I'd call my...
My thoughts are: - Highly syncopated pattern - Some kind of swing or handmade wonky feeling - Filtered to the back, maybe a bit of reverb too -...
f*** me I'm old
Have you tried Tone Projects Kelvin? Beside other things I really love it's respectfulness towards the sound source. It is easy to get different...
Totally agree to this. Investing more time in arranging, than in adding more and more layers is helpful. Even with a just a few tracks it is...
Agree, if space & money is enough, go for 73 keys, why not. Having the Explorer with 37 keys myself, I can tell you that it works perfect for...
Eisregen - Salz der Erde [MEDIA]
Ach cool, war mir nicht bewusst, dass das Lied von Funny von Dannen ist. Kannte nur die Version von den Toten Hosen, auf der Unsterblich müsste...
It is because there are differences in between filters. Sound- and featurewise. Beside the classic filter types (HP, LP, BP, ...) they react...
Blümchen ist verrückterweise total gut gealtert von der Musik her, meiner Meinung nach. Das Album Herzfrequenz ist im Nachhinein betrachtet schon...
I agree with some others, my favourite is no. 3, I think it is your Arturia version. I tried myself how far I can get with Serum in a short...
I'm definitely on the looks-like-a-beautiful-intrument side of views. As the guy in the video tells, I also love to play really gently and soft....
Thread can be closed. It's 2023.
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