I don't understand this. What if some Microsoft employee make some similar bad things. You will stop using Windows and You will buy a Mac?
I started as a kid with lucid dreaming and quickly started to interesting paranormal things and aliens. Now I'm here testing and researching real...
[IMG] :hahaha: I just wanna told You and share my experience with it. But yeah I could sent it as private message but I forget that this isn't...
So it looks like that I have a brain? :dunno: Something inside my head compensate the balance of the sound :invision:
No. It had sense. Why not. Do You know book "Abduction to the 9th Planet" by Michel Desmarquet? I love this book and looking for similar books....
This is weird too because I'm not always feel this. Sometimes is more. Sometimes is less. And sometimes is gone. But wait. Maybe it is about what...
Nope I am too stupid to come up with this idea :hillbilly: But for example someone might have poured a sweet drink over those headphones and...
Thanks but I wanna make everything to avoid this. This is the last thing to do. At the worst case those headphones will be used as a parts for...
I'm dumb. I know that buying cheap used headphones is risky and I bought 2 of them in one week from different sellers. One pair is ok but second...
One year ago I've got few pics from foundation dealing with paranormal phenomena. They give me photos of UFO from 2014 taken in Poland. I enlarged...
Yeah. It is normal for me. Just more intense recently. Is it possible to sing this? There is only guitar?! Or maybe it's possible when You sing...
Yeah. My bad I completly missunderstood Your and Big Pluck comments. I though this is about band which called Zeta Reticuli. Some Greys = Some...
You said that here is fake account pretended to be someone famous.
I don't know :dunno: Is it was supposed to have something to do with it?
You know is on audiosex is really someone very famous? This is future related because what if someone here in the future will be famous? :dunno:
Everything which is bigger than 3GB. Good plugins are usually the smallest. I don't like and don't use romplers or big sample basement plugins. I...
Stop Ron please. It's not for my head! :crazy: [MEDIA]
I bought used headphones and guess what. Something is wrong with them. I can't give them back. Stereo balance is moved little to the left. I...
She has that big bumpers that I could close my eyes when the bottom part pops out.
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