I will do that malware search right now! Thanks once again!
Most of them I already did..Reinstall all things, disk clean up, search disk errors using cclean, drivers updates just after a clean windows...
The last one has the mix knob for all the nice compressors I like from Waves...that's why I would like to keep it. I can load my sessions,...
This is the one I am using....but the previous had this issue too. Thanks!
I use an administrator account all the time. So it seems to be correct: C:\Users\Administrador\AppData\Local\Temp I have found in this path a...
It seems to be related to the waves virtual instruments libraries. Every time I try to load each of them the error window shows up in Reaper and...
The error is Ordinal Number 380 cannot be located in dynamic library. I've nerver had this problem ultill now. I did a clean install for the...
It didn't fix the issue... SFC reporting no error.
Ok! Doing it right now. Thanks!
No Waves central here, Beat16. I use R2R version for about 10 years now. This is the first time I got this error. This waves version you told is...
Hi guys! I got this error now. The latest two R2R releases. I guess the issue is on the Windows 10 itself not the waves releases but I don't know...
You need to copy & past some folders and files from your library folder to Play 6 install folder. Just check the .txt info in the library folder...
Ok. Just been posted on syster site the fix, guys! I told you.... R2R is an amazing team!
Few weeks ago they fixed another aax bad cracked as well...just don't remember the plug brand name...sometimes it happens and it is ok. They...
Well...it is weird. I am on Win10, anyways. I keep loading all my sessions as usual with all Eventide plugs installed/running. I just removed the...
Maybe this setup is no longer an Win7 compatible with. You need to check this on devs site. Anyways you can try to intall it under compatibilty...
I am running PT12.5 as well with no crashing. Just the SplitEQ aax is bad here. All others works in PT. SplitEQ VST3 has issues too in Reaper as...
I did read all you wrote and tested here for you, Mr.Lyann. Korneff stuffs are working here. The three plug I got are working fine in PT12.5. Pawn...
For me only the new SplitEq is broken on PT 12.5. All others works as usual. The VTS3 version is bad too, tested on Reaper 6.40. The EQ still...
Well after removing PT, clean the registry and foders plus a brand new PT install it is running again. I have a tough time to pass through the...
Separate names with a comma.