If it's a decent song, why not try it different ways and styles? Or even make the whole thing a concept album with the same recurring themes,...
Just to get my oar in on the theory thing .... theory is day one stuff .... absolutely it helps to have a grasp of theory. If after a lifetime...
Absolutely! What a boring horrible world it would be if everyone liked and did the same thing (which it is nowadays)(presumably because there's...
not sour grapes at all! I'm a professional guitarist that did all the flashy stuff back in the day until it became boring and self-indulgent, and...
yeah I got the joke! :rofl::rofl: but wanted to make the point about singing being important when learning an instrument
Alan Holdsworth wasn't a singer though was he? Instead he was mainly focused on highspeed fretboard wankery, which I can affirm is egotistically...
Ultimately, the guitar is an artificial limb. Initially it feels strange and alien, and you can't get it to do what you want. For most, they learn...
I do a LOT of percussive stuff on stringed instruments ... mostly guitar. Lots of different ways to play percussively!
Save yourself some money. Accept that there are probably 5-year olds from Korea out there who know more about producing and music than you will...
Whatever side of the warez fence you sit on, you will find arguments and counter-arguments to defend your position. If you use something a lot,...
couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Pro 12 up on the sister site a few days ago .... pre-covid I'd have been AMAZED!. as is, with everything...
I'll be controversial and say Cubase, because I always say Cubase. .... but in all seriousness .... if you have ears that hear the difference...
it needs more drugs (or I do) :rofl:
metaverse - metachorus - metaverse - metachorus - metaguitarsolo - metaverse - metachorus (to fade)
surely a major feature should be that they don't come flying off your head while headbanging?
words, melody & everything! ... is this a 1st on here? lol
Firstly, well done for writing a song, as opposed to the usual basic quantized midi or strung together sampled things that appear on here!...
thank you. it was constructive criticism. when you get towards The Beatles end of the songwriting spectrum give me a shout.
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