A noisy slider/encoder output can be at least partially smoothed by modding with ceramic capacitors. I had to do this to smooth out the response...
Is there anything specific you are interested in? I don't know what videos there are out there, but I did like the book "An Introduction to the...
I guess this is one those rare cases where the Mac users get the goodies that the PC owners miss out on... The PC version 1.0 is an unstable POS,...
I disagree that it is a "great website" for the aforementioned reasons (incompleteness, out of date). I was hoping to discover synths I hadn't...
The list seems to be quite limited and out of date. Does not include emulations I use, eg JP6K, SQ8L, JX8P, Viper etc. Even recently released...
It's not the quality of my music that I blame NI for, it's my failing eyesight - I'm a millennial and it only started after I used NI products...
Good luck dude, hope you make it through these trying times and you manage to get some meds soon.
That is a good idea for me to test incrementally. I'm going to try the versions from 10.1.0 onwards to see where the bug was introduced, though I...
That is the (MS) windows scaling that I have disabled. I am using the scaling inside Live itself, adjusting the scaling in Live doesn't actually...
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem. Instead of M4L device GUIs being rendered correctly in their box in the instrument...
I was saying that tongue-in-cheek, referring to those who insist on an "all analog" signal path as automatically better.
By the way, it's not just the synth that is important for the sound. I need my algorithmically generated phrases to come from analog hardware too:...
The combined weight of electrons has to be on the order of 100000000000000000000000000000000 electrons to be as fat as me!
Yes, pasted on cardboard models.
I prefer vintage hardware synths as it is the only thing that differentiates me from all the other talentless hacks.
Why not just manually enter the pattern into the DAW piano roll? Yes its more work but it doesn't take that long.
Not necessarily. Automapping plugins is an optional feature. Many people like myself just use it as a regular midi keyboard and don't bother...
Anyone wish to buy some Dutch Tulips?
Separate names with a comma.