You can, just have to drive them properly. TAUPE does this brilliantly
I'VE NOT WRITTEN THAT IN ANY TABLET, THOUGH YOU SHALL BE PUNISHED. I've renamed the times to before Cuntvirus and after Cuntvirus for less than that.
DON'T YOU DARE SAY MY NAME IN VAIN! Yes, you're right. It's the terminology used in a lot of websites. I've already questioned myself about it...
You'll know preamps when you try Acustica Audio's. :p
Hello my friend! How are you?
@JTSD nice track! I just think the vocals have too much sibilance (use a multiband compressor). Overall very good!
Check your plugins, the first that pops out in the report is the one crapping the system. Hide that plug and restart AL.
Hey! I'm using a similar setup but with a Clarett and Sonarworks. What are your canopener settings? Love, D.
As an Acustica fanboi, all I say is they sound pretty good once you learn to drive them, which is terribly difficult. And most are cheaper than...
I am very happy. I got the full version with mic. It actually depends on the headphones you're using (HD650). If they are somehow exagerated...
Oboom deleted 1.5 years of collection of stuf..........
Some people swear by the ATH50. I have a pair of HD650 and they are pretty flat, even comparing with Sonarworks soft (which I own). The hd600...
so, he is into lofi?
DO NOT DO THIS. It'll cause fibrosis of the tympanic membrane, it'll stiff, you'll ear jack shit. Go see an ENT doctor.
Are you sure?
Easy: You make a return that comes from the master into a track and send that track into the output of the soundcard. On that track you load the...
Ditch dat bitch.
Unless some weird sites are using your graphics to mine bitcoin! Hat's off to you too, sir/madam. Cheers, D.
Separate names with a comma.