Have you tried blocking your DAW for incoming and outgoing connections? If not try it, maybe you need to uninstall and reinstall nexus 4 after...
No Problem let me know if this fixed the issue when you tried it.
Have you blocked your DAW via Firewall? For me Nexus 4.5.13 on Windows 11 FL 21 is working just as before not asking for activation and i blocked...
If you already have Nexus 4 installed its enough to just copy the Nexus 2 Presets into your Nexus 4 Folder. If you have all XP's which where...
This Sounds like an Bios Problem. Did not read anything about that you updated your BIOS. Many User are scared of doing Bios or Uefi updates, but...
Looks like a Fake to me.
I think its not possible at this Point. Whats possible is from Voice to Subtitle like on YouTube but its far away from beeing perfect. If their...
Best Way is to keep the last Version of Kontakt 6 installed beside Kontakt 7. For me Alicia's Keys and also NI Lo-Fi Glow work well without beeing...
The One i'm using operates as charger as well you plug in your normal USB-C Charging Cable into the Hub so you don't need to use another USB-C...
Since when is this issue appearing? What often causes such Problems is when Windows Update is installing unproper drivers (You can check that in...
I believe they will integrate their bing ai and so on into Win 12. But there will always be a way to turn Stuff like this off. And i always...
They do this because their Cashcows are Big Companys which use a lot of Windows & Office Licenses. They don't care about the normal user their...
Not the whole Windows will reinstall, but there are things which will come back after an Update which were removed before. It also depends on...
Best Rufus Version to do so is 3.18, because since 3.19 they moved it to a different Location.
Yes there are a lot of shady Devices on the net. I use this one https://www.amazon.de/Baseus-Adapter-5in1-USB-C-HDMI/dp/B0B46PTFQD very nice...
I stopped collecting plugins years ago which was a good thing, because i deleted everything i don't need an saved hdd space also i foccused more...
Use RollBack RX Pro and if it happens again you can easily restore before booting Windows. The Restore Points from MS are shitty as hell and don't...
I did not mean you can't update at all but the updates will bring back stuff which was removed before and so on thats what i meant with you will...
Its not 8GB Ram vs 20GB Ram its 8GB Harddrive Space on Tiny11 vs 20 GB Harddrive Space for legit Win 11 after Installation. It uses less Ram but...
Should be done clean but be sure not to use Win update or tiny11 will break.
Separate names with a comma.