it works when you take the hyphen out. did you try that?
I will admit that I wish it were easier to search certain things... such as keywords in the description of a post rather than just the title. But...
edit: nvm
Airwindows DeRez 2 has become go-to bitcrusher plugin outside of Reaper's own low quality point interpolation settings. Actually...
sometimes an exciter can do the trick. i like the old terry west one if i'm on my 32bit windows machine or acon vitalize for my mac pro.
Discogs is your friend (and also one of the largest music archives in the known universe):...
Honestly, just about everything is on youtube now. It constitutes a massive, massive, massive archive of music. My advice for finding new music...
It's a thing of beauty. Chris is a straight up hero in my books.
Just to be very clear, it is not a matter of 'as good as', it is the Virus TI ported 1:1 The Viper comparison is interesting, though. I'm sure...
There are no .bin files to be used with Vavra and you do not need to put anything in this folder: Users/Library/Application...
Maybe I misunderstand the scope of this thread; I don't use large scoring templates or whatever. But I run a MacPro 5,1 master and a WinXP laptop...
Yes, anything coming from Meduza or Radio Free Europe should be scrutinized (like any news media) due to their inherent political positions. Radio...
I would also add that American culture is indeed a bit of a scourge. More power to cultures who look elsewhere or look into themselves (even if it...
A Russian friend tells me that the Western media has left out one crucial point in reporting this, which is that it refers to national / public...
Rest in peace Olymoon. May your spirit continue to inspire on Earth and may your soul, wherever it be, find infinite rest. Love and respect to his...
Not in the same sense that a sampler can, but you can import multiple samples and it will turn them into a wavetable. Select multiple, drag & then...
yes we know all of that. you have jews living in germany once again, tutsi and hutu living next door to each other, there are videos online of...
Did you experience such difficulties after having purchased Tone2 synths? Does he owe you a private apology? I imagine that might contextualize...
nah man, i just believe in a sort of sagacity in social etiquette that doesn't involve throwing stones after the stoning is over and done with....
Separate names with a comma.