I tried it, but the random generated notes are not so impressive. They sound robotic. I hope Ample Sound team release Ample Guitar 4 series with...
Oh, great! Thx ;)
Ample Guitar riffer is quite useful, but the number of presets are not so impressed. So, I'm wondering if there are user presets somewhere. I...
Great! It works! Thank you!
I just installed Guitar Rig 7.0.2 r2r version and all presets are missing. Where are they?
Awesome! It works! It's much simpler. Blocking the IP address with Firewall didn't help though. Thank you so much!
Great! Thx!
Oh, I just looked it up and found it in the C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with admin. Here is the content of the hosts file: ``` #...
Thanks for the link, but it explains how to block IP address, not website address. How do I find the IP address of www.r2rdownload.com?
As far as I know, I downloaded most r2r cracks from sis site You mean my DAW? I didn't even open it.
Could you give me more details, please? I've blocked the exe files, but haven't blocked a certain website via firewall.
How do I find it?
Do you mean Firefox extensions?
I just found Firefox constantly attempts to connect to r2rdownload.com. I've never visited the website at all as I know it's a fake website. I've...
I just figured it out. Clear cache and re-scan worked. Thx all!
They are in the list and I selected them, but nothing happened. Reaper hasn't re-scanned the failed plugins for a long time.
The recent Real Guitars on sis site don't show on Reaper. When I launched Reaper, it definitely asked me the license. Which means Reaper detected...
Oh, it makes sense. I should check it out soon. Thanks!
Sure, I'll keep experimenting. Thx.
IMHO, Valhalla Vintage Verb sounds much better than S1 stock room reverb. But Valhalla delay doesn't give me an impressive pong effect like Analog...
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