I think you might be missing a key technique in your cooking: sidechaining. The Astrix track is certainly using some form of it, and that is how...
I like the vintage 90ies photoshop wood finish.
Wow, you're in some luck ThomasZ: the other day Capstan was just "released". What after about a decade of being the holy grail with its $4k price...
There can be a difference because of how some plugins behave: maybe they go into ultra HQ mode and add tons of oversampling when they render, and...
Runners obsess about running shoes, dentists about dental drills, so it's quite alright for a mix engineer to obsess about his mixing tools. Part...
I didn't have an answer for the question, but here's a workflow tip. In RX, use the brush to select the first harmonic manually, then switch to...
Newfangled Elevate nice for what it is, you might be able to do what you're wanting a lot faster with it. And certainly much cleaner than if you...
Got to be war-weariness. You ears are probably tired from the loudness war. I've been finally feeling a real change in the air lately, it's...
If the manual has not mentioned it, it's probably not linear. You could in theory set up a plugin analyzer and observe the effect on phase...
Limiters and clippers get used for the same purpose, but they're different-sounding. So you might end up wanting both. Limiters are more...
Adjust the playback to a comfortable non-wow non-exciting level (but fairly clear still), then turn it down a little bit more for general mixing....
About true peak, it's fine if it's reading lower. You can later boop it up to whatever value you need for upload, using a basic normalize in any...
The FG-X has a certain crunchy glowy sound (which is great for more electronic type stuff in my opinion). When you push it harder it's going to...
The sidechain/freeze problems in Ableton are finally going to be fixed in the upcoming update (currently beta).
Have a look at the Roland FX section. You might be able to turn off the reverb or whatever is on there that is taking up that much CPU.
Funny how that is. Seeing "version 1.0" also makes me nervous, like I'm using a beta product. It shouldn't be that way, but it is what it is.
If I was doing this a lot, I would probably set up the UnfilteredAudio G8 gate instead of WIDI Recognition. The advantage is that the G8 can be...
You could record the timing using a mic and your voice or clapping, hitting something etc. Record it all the way through your track (where needed)...
First the advice. Makeup gain like this is mostly done by ear. That means, if after you EQ, the part you're working on sounds just fine to you in...
Separate names with a comma.