I have seen people with a X570 motherboard set the PCIe GEN to 3 and no more DPC spikes or strange behavior with other hardware parts. I just...
I do not know, but check the reviews sites: https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/best/by-resolution/4k-ultra-hd-uhd...
For NVIDIA this is a must...
Agree! Guys, pay attention to the Gigabyte X570 line, the revision 1.0 does not have Thunderbolt header, only the rev 1.1 has. Also the...
I'm sorry for you and your family. It will be very hard, but time will ease the pain... I miss the loved ones who left, but at the same time feel...
This link will help you choose...
Check: https://www.rtings.com/headphones/tools/table/18847 Click in the headphone model(right side) for the review (The higher neutral sound...
But only five 4K(IPS/VA panels) TVs models are flicker-free(no PWM)! They are the Sony X850F/X830F/X750F/X800G/X850G...
The Samsung C49RG9/CRG9 is very nice, probably the best super ultra-wide monitor around. The backlight is flicker-free(no PWM)!...
??????????? The link I posted is a tweak to diminish the GPU latency, without this tweak the GPU driver may create audio glitches because of the...
I do not know what is the current Melda skin status, but you may try https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=534812...
Just use M.2 NVMe SSDs and everything is fine, they are so fast that you can use only one drive and install everything there without loss of...
This is a must for you https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3130/~/setting-power-management-mode-from-adaptive-to-maximum-performance
First try this https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3130/~/setting-power-management-mode-from-adaptive-to-maximum-performance IF...
Hi, For audio interface performance(latency), check the chart at the bottom of the link...
The X570 is more future proof, the MSI B450 TOMAHAWK MAX is the only B450 motherboard I like. Only one NVMe slot, but very good VRM. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Silicon Lottery Reveals AMD Ryzen 3000 Binning Stats https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-ryzen-3000-cpus-silicon-lottery-binning,40157.html Get...
Sorry to hear that... :( For anyone interested, there is a good option for VERY LONG data archiving.:guru: M-DISC...
Congratulations! :cheers::yes::cheers:
This is the right way https://audiosex.pro/threads/warning-new-antares-auto-tune-pro-v9-1-crack-virus-infected.50266/page-2#post-426074
Separate names with a comma.