Try dSONIQ realphones, best headphone/loudspeaker simulator.
Only calibrated omni mic
I compared only the HD380 and m40x and Realphones is far better and sounds like SW over the speakers :)))) Sonarworks just raised the middle and... Basically you need to reduce the diffusion (Ambience) to 50 or less, extend the speaker width to 80...
Best Headphone plugin so far!!! I did an extensive test in my studio (dsoniq vs Morphit vs Sonarworks) and only dSONIQ sounds much like a...
First example is better (second is too distant and unusable ,first is raw without correction). Do high shelving (3-20khz) and atten. high freq....
RME Baby or Audient
Try Har-bal
Sonarworks for flat natural headphone response + Goodhertz Canopener studio (best crossfeed).
SWS extensions-Project management
Yes, DT250 - very flat and realistic mids, ATH - loudness effect with attenuated low mids.
Sonarworks - neutral, best for mixing and compatibility, Tonebooster Moorphit - loudness, for hifi listening. I use sonarworks in classical music...
Oktava MK319 best buy vocal LD condenser
I'd love to try but I have HD 600. Thanks!
tnx! HD 800 has a consistent production, cheaper headphones have larger variance. Here is the only difference in the deepest bass.
Sonarworks eq correction graph displays for standard average and your measured,individual eq - so we can compare...
tonyg0499, could you upload picture? (both graphs average and individual) tnx
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