I use this... and its free https://www.abyssmedia.com/bpmcounter/ I also have this one too https://www.mixmeister.com/bpm-analyzer.html
Still love this today, I was at this concert it was awesome, Adamski was an absolute techno genius. I have never heard anyone else make the...
Spire for me
I only use the free version does everything I need. :)
I use Resonic File Player. https://resonic.at/
The windows HOST file only allows blocking DNS hostnames and not IP Addresses so this would not work. Thank you for the reply it was a great idea..
Thanks guys really appreciate you taking the time to reply. I will block the application and see if it has any adverse effects on anything.
Hey Guys Why is it that everytime I launch my Cubase Pro 14 a process called Microsoft Edge WebView2 which is using the EXE file...
Thanks phloopy all the best to you all the best to the audiosex family, hope you all have a good one.
This was the first game I ever played, you'd need to be a proper OG to rememeber this.
Thank you so much for the reply and information a simple upgrade has sorted it.
Thanks for the nudge I needed to upgrade the version I had installed, all good now. Its like its opened a whole new world to the plugin Thank you
You could also have a look at Furnace Tracker which is fantastic tracker and FREE as a way of introducing yourself to trackers and the workflow....
I saw this post with excitement and downloaded a couple of LFO TI Soundpacks from the sister site but the files were in .MID format and I couldnt...
I've had a license for years and for Redux and would highly recommend it. if you like the old style Amiga trackers then you will love this. It’s...
My go to acoustic guitars, all 3 very nice indeed and well worth the install. Ample Sound Guitar M (Martin Acoustic) Ample Sound Guitar T...
Just follow what Radio has said. I have just tried my Parawave in Ableton Suite 12.1.1 and no issues at all, loads up just as it always has....
thanks Radio when I moved from Studio One to Bitwig Studio importing the DAWproject from Studio One in to Bitwig worked really well, it wasn’t...
Ahhh thank you for this video, so the DAWproject is currently broken in Cubase 14, looks like Steinberg has a bit more work to do on this. So...
Thank you so much for giving this a try, I am so glad that’s it’s not just me. I tried various other test projects and there were a couple that...
Separate names with a comma.