Gotcha, thanks for the info. If anyone has already gone through this pain and would be able to upload them that would be great :)
Has anyone been able to use the EXZ sound packs in the latest Mac release with the MC-707 or is it locked to the RC account? The Plug-outs in the...
Jdownloader should still work, just copy all the text in the file and paste into it's LinkGrabber.
Thank god that's the only issue with CP2077 :winker:
DSP56300 Paypal explodes!
If you're not playing live just use chord generators and step sequencing. Filmscores are all pads and drums anyway :guru:
No, wait, don't go. Ah, go on then.
I can totally relate. I can't hear my wife talking to me but I can hear my phone when I win an Ebay auction.
The music doesn't bother me as I have to have it turned down anyway so my boss doesn't hear it.
Assuming and hoping this was a joke. If not, show us on the doll......
Just bought K14UCE and was wondering if there's a current list of software /expansions released since it came out that are not included in the bundle.
Ah okay, so Suse 8.1 was like 20 years ago, I see now thanks :)
He lost me at "I bought Linux". Apart from enterprise, who buys Linux?
What a relief, I thought there was something wrong with me!
I update my Waves plugins whenever a new release comes out, and never use them.
Halfed the price!
I had this issue with every google search till I added Goole to my PIA VPN exclusion list. Never get them now. I also use Realdebrid and...
How's it going so far?
Separate names with a comma.