My brain has this tendency to generate Music on its own, in the strangest foking styles.. Like instead of generating a proper Classical/Acoustic...
[IMG] (Happy 1997.. :wink:)
Kirchoff gives me bad memories from preparatory school tho.. :yes:
If Shiva or Goro had a Drum Kit that's exactly what it will be.. But wait.. only One Bass Dum? :woot: :dont: :rofl: Loved the Cymbals polyphonic...
Thinkin about it, it's almost as if all minor scales fall inside the same spectrum of Color.. like say different/unique shades of Red-Brown.....
Neverr!! :rofl: Lydian was Love at first sight, infinite and perfect.. :yes: although later-on I developed a taste for Lydian b7, or even...
Otoh, I once met this strange/silly boy.. Spanish guy who plays one of those Godin nylon guitars with no hole, and is seemingly a Country...
I must have Composed/Produced around +50 tracks in the last 10 years, of them +40 are Orchestral tracks.. None of them was purely in Major...
[IMG] Never tested but it's all I had.. see you on the dry side! :wink:
I can defo hear the improvements, specially in Balance :like: but since we're getting nitpicky.. You're playing the Bells on the right channel at...
Nowadays the field has advanced and there's many alternatives to choose from.. Heck you could do almost everything with things like Fabilter Pro-Q...
A Dynamic EQ is much more precise. It's still an EQ where you can boost/cut, but with variable/adaptative effect. Multiband Comp divides the...
Can't help it but those "Naive Teenage Girl" attitude intros crack me up.. :rofl: Neat trick :wink:
Yeah, maybe it's not the Warmest/roomiest sound.. But I find the Kawai to be very Even/homogeneus across all keys, which is important, and it...
Right right.. BFD is very well made indeed, very Natural sounding, :yes: but perfection doesn't exist, and one could also be adjusting the mic...
Best Sampled Quality stuff: (that I know of..) Noire (15GB), Piano in Blue (10GB), NI The Grandeur (5GB) Small size Software stuff: Pianoteq...
Tried the first version with BFD2, and I can confirm it works.. I don't know if I did it right tho, or if it would be 100% necessary in this...
Not the biggest advocates of Quantization either.. :yes:
Separate names with a comma.