how did it help you ? care to elaborate ? the bad experience i'm having has happened to a lot of other people on other forums also you are taking...
this "medication" is nothing but poison that disables people didn't help me with asperger at all not to mention all the side effects i still have...
what about ilok 3 and metafortress protection ? im sure they can't do those no offense only R2R can do those and they hardly release anything...
i doubt TCD has the knowledge to crack ilok plugins time will tell but i would bet cash they can't do it no offense to TCD ilok is pretty hard to...
this thread doesn't help me at all to kick the bad habit for me of smoking weed , can't do it anymore : ( , thanks to TCD for the current release...
thank you all for commenting on this thread we can agree beauty does affect your success on genres like pop music but it doesn't on genres like...
if god did exist which i doubt he does i don't think he would care about how you look since you are his creation as long as you make good music...
Thank you for making your stellar appearance synclavier my threads wouldn't be the same without YOU , love to see you commenting on EVERY thread i...
I know this is common sense some people here will say BUT IF YOU ARE TALENTLESS YOUR MUSIC WONT BE HEARD , although this should be the logical it...
i agree with you they are a violation of human rights but big pharma doesn't care all they care about is profits , all these people that defend...
that's my question should they be banned right away? i think so not only do they disable you at an emotional level but also at a physycal level...
i have autism grade 1 asperger so i feel obligated to comment on this thread , being autistic isn't that bad besides when i hear a sudden loud...
i bet some of yall have nightmares with dongles , it's not that big of a deal it's easy to set them up and use them
lol a dinosaur of a synth has been discontinued so what ? who cares ? with serum and falcon alone you could make anything that dinosaur could make
i and many people here used to get mad when a certain software wasn't released by team R2R my advice is save , get a job , do something to buy the...
i'm behind that strong autotune robot effect and i noticed original autotune efx had it nothing comes close to it not even metatune does autotune...
from what i know fg-x2 uses a new algorithm all i know is that it sounds better than the original fg-x tested it and the difference is night and day
yeah i use drum samples but sometimes i use serum for kicks and claps
i hardly ever use samples but interesting information thanks for the share
it isn't avaliable anymore plus it's outdated sound quality wise and compatibility wise it doesn't work right on windows 11 and ableton live 12 it...
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