NI Piano Colors ?
Does the DSP Emulator have a global midi learn function?
This wordbuilder is designed for people with a calm nervous system who sacrifice enough time and energy to learn how to use it properly. For...
How can R2R PrinceEugen be removed (or rewritten) from Gui?
Has anyone managed to run Engine 2 on Win7 x64?
Has anyone managed to run on Win7?
I'm running v2 and v.3 side by side.
Wavelet Audio – Ashen Scoring Cello ****** ****** [IMG] [IMG]
Wavelet Audio - Groth *** Merry Christmas *** [ATTACH]
I use Cubase, but I’m thinking of installing Reaper next to it to get to know it. Does Reaper see Steinberg extensions? Also, can that frame be...
Sounds good, it's a shame there is no global midi learn function.
............... [MEDIA]
Harold Lloyd ..?
Tone2 Firebird is also worth mentioning.
I have noticed that Celtic always values your work as interesting, no matter how well it succeeds.
Acoustica Pianissimo
On this page it is written that min. Win7 Sp1 is required to run, elsewhere min. they write Win8. Has anyone managed to run well on Win7?...
Someone wrote that he tried successfully on win 7. Can anyone confirm this?
Petrovics Emil - A Pál Utcai Fiúk / A Pal Street Boys 1968 (Happens 1889) The world has changed a lot in 100 years ...:) :yes: [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.