Little late but here it is - out of beta - new stable release ChangeLog Release 1.2.0 08 Mar 2023...
The muse within is a very atmospheric piece - very calming thank you for sharing your always superb work:bow: Happy Hoplidays :cheers:
Because I really couldn't find a modern standalone sampler/sequencer that had 6 outputs at the price I scored it for. Love this machine! Akai...
How is the new set up working out for you? (of course if it arrived)
ChangeLog Release 1.2.0 Beta 11 18 Aug 2022 Plugin Added more values for manual PDC adjustments Audio streamer fixes Added missing bounds...
This guy [MEDIA]
Hey Legotron - Latency can depend on the actual plugin your using in the AG server and the AG buffer settings, if you have a kick ass server(great...
ChangeLog Release 1.2.0 Beta 10 06 Jul 2022 General NEW Multi-Mono support (resolves #955) Generate a unique server ID to allow for auto...
This outrage is all about a leech request? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Well the outcome is diddly squat anyway because releasers...
ChangeLog Release 1.2.0 Beta 9 16 May 2022 Plugin NEW Added option to the instrument plugin to transfer audio only when MIDI notes are playing...
@iBuffalo - Nice to see work resume on AG:wink: It;s been a minute since the last update. So far I really like the improvements! (stability) Keep...
Audiogridder UPDATE's Available ChangeLog Release 1.2.0 Beta 8 05 May 2022 Plugin Fixed service...
@reliefsan you are not that far off bro. :hifive: These vibes (of course much more advanced musically) [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Ghost of Gyro just doesn't...
We all know the real reason you were away was because you flew to Spain to train under The Master himself @Xupito !! Your Ass-Piration's must...
would have one less pervert:rofl:
I agree:winker: And I'm honored that your first post in 8 years was in this thread.:wink:
re listen bump:break:
I could have liked this thread, but OP this was just ignorant
Alot of other examples available also see - Led Zeppelin Rolling Stones The Beatles Elvis Presley Rod Stewart The Who R-Kelly Jerry Lee Lewis...
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